



Revamping Sustainability while Social Distancing

INT Labor Day 2019 Social Post.jpg

During times of isolation, it can be beneficial to reflect on your habits and make the decision to change some for the better. While the world practices social distancing, one thing we can all strive towards are choices for a better future. From the comfort of your home, you can reevaluate your household sustainability efforts and make decisions to live more sustainably moving forward. 

A great way to be more sustainable at home, is to reduce your consumption of household energy!

Electricity & Appliances

  • Before switching on your bulbs, open up your blinds and let in the natural light

  • For the times when natural light isn’t an option, use LED lighting or CFL bulbs which are proven to last longer than incandescent lighting 

  • When leaving a room or stepping out of the house, turn off your lights and air conditioning 

  • Unplug electronics and appliances that are not in use 

Kitchen, Bath & Laundry

  • Invest in a water-saving shower head and a shower timer to ensure water is not being wasted

  • Install a dual flush into your home toilets to use only the water you need 

  • Add a filter to your kitchen sink for a continuous supply of drinking water at home without having to stock up on plastic bottles

  • Use a dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes

  • Limit use of hot water when hand washing

  • If you only have a few clothes to wash, wash them by hand

  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using a powered dryer

Being conscious of how you dispose of household waste can make a big impact on the environment

Reduce Waste

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